Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Power of Vinegar

Well, I've had to think about this for a few days.  Do I really want to share how AWFUL my old, inexpensive glasses looked even though the cleaning is nearly miraculous and even friends who've been homemaking for many years weren't aware of "The Power of Vinegar"?  My glasses were so terrible looking that our children, grown children, refused to drink from them even straight out of the dishwasher.

It was so bad that I was ready to get rid of them and buy others.  One morning I asked the girls I walk with about the housekeeping dilemma.  (We solve many of the world's problems while we walk and talk.)  The next morning our paper published an article about just that problem,  cloudy, dirty-looking glasses.

The answer is vinegar, plain, white vinegar.  I used it straight and rubbed with a kitchen sponge.

I'm embarrassed about the "before" but humbly share with you my great excitement every time I take a sip from my sparkling "old" glasses.

1 comment:

  1. and by "children, grown children"...i think you mean "ryan, grown ryan". hahah! love you, mom!
